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'Cos there are just too many things we wanna share besides the awesome items we bring to y'all in the collections.
From random daily rantings to health & fitness tips to updates/sneak previews regarding upcoming launches and more! Not just from us but also from experts and specialists 'cos we really believe in giving y'all only the best.

♥ xoxo, Marcellie

[Launched] Collection 6 - King of Cool

[Launched] Collection 13 - Ms Congeniality

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“fashion with a heart ♥”
July 2011

Interview with Isabel
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In the month of July, we ran a contest - Marcellie's Next Top Model, in the hope of finding our next face to represent the brand as well as to generate awareness of the brand. The inaugural competition saw 9 different contestants from all walks of life taking part. More than 2000 votes were cast.

The eventual winner, Isabel Tan, finished with 941 votes, beating the runner-up by almost 100 votes. Her popularity and good looks have won her this competition and Isabel is now crowned Marcellie's Next Top Model (Voters' Choice).

As part of the prize, she received $20 Marcellie voucher, $10 Marble Slab voucher, $2 Frolick voucher, 1-for-1 Frolick voucher, Fabulous Group 3 X Tanning, 1 X Brazilian Wax, 1 X Underarm IPL Hair Removal, 1 notebook, 1 Shape and Seventeen magazine. These are worth over $200.

We managed to catch up with her recently and she shares her thoughts in the interview below.

Marcellie: How do you feel being crown Marcellie's Next Top Model?

Isabel Tan: Frankly, I am really honored and surprised to be crown the winner of Marcellie's next top model. When I was first asked to take part in this competition on the streets, I was quite hesitant as I saw a long list of names on the participant's list! But my friends encouraged me to just go ahead and give it a shot since I have a passion for posing in front of cameras. So yeah, I'm glad I took their advice to take part and actually won!

M: Tell us more about yourself, like your hobbies, interests, etc.

IT: I'm Isabel, 16 this year. I have a huge passion for dance and blogging. On my blog, I'd talk about my daily life and thoughts about certain events. In fact, I also spend quite a lot of my time shopping online! I love to shop but usually don't have the time to, so online shopping is a more convenient way for me! You can also read up my blog to know more about me

M: Is there anything that you would like to say to those who have supported you?

IT: I'm really grateful to all those that have supported me and thank you so much for taking the time to vote for me.

Isabel collecting her prize at our stall at *SCAPE.



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